A method of teaching by in-depth study of a topic. Terms used by teachers in the project approach are:  Artifact, Culminating Activities, Dispositions, Documentation, Expert, Field Trip, Fieldwork, Interview, Observational Sketches. First, a project includes agreeing on the topic to be investigated; summarizing, representing, or recording what the children know or think about the topic; revisiting  past experiences related to the topic; formulating questions to be answered; and making predictions of what the answers might be and where the information can be obtained.  Secondly, the children collect data they need to answer the questions.  That can include site visits, interviewing relevant experts, conducting surveys, distributing questionnaires, and other means of gathering and representing pertinent data. A variety of media are often used by children to represent and report their growing knowledge and understandings of the topic through art, model making, music, play, and verbal expression. Finally, children and teachers examine and reflect upon what they found from their investigation. They plan and conduct reports of the project for others to hear about and examine.  Definitions are included for Projects in Practice with terms such as:  Problem Solving, Project, Project Approach, Project Display and Documentation- Project History Book- Site Visits and Topic Web/Graphic Representation.  Resources, links and blogs are incorporated in the site.