Creating Safe Classrooms: Unpacking Identity-Based Trauma

This webinar will introduce the concept of identity-based trauma and how children with one or more marginalized identities may be at increased risk of trauma exposure in and outside of the school setting. Race-based trauma will be explored in detail, with helpful historical context, as well as strategies and resources that school staff can use to increase the felt safety in the classroom for children and staff of all identities.

Gateways Topics: Interactions with Children, Wellness
Gateways Content Areas: (E) Interactions, Relationships and Environments
Gateways CDC Content Areas: (3) Social/Emotional

Assistant Principals
Home Visitors
Instructional Leaders
Parent Educators/Family Specialists
School Psychologists
Social Workers
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals
S/E = Social/Emotional Development
Levels of learning

Upcoming Sessions

Event ID Status Details Supporting Materials
258007052 Open
4pm - 5:30pm

1.5-Hour Webinar

Instructors: Tracy Fehrenbach, Erika McClain-Millsaps

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