Professional Learning for ECERS-3 is Now Available!

Resource Category
Professional Knowledge

Introduction to the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale®, Third Edition (ECERS-3™)

This professional learning consists of a recording with 2 parts.

The learning objectives for Part 1 are:

  • Identify ECERS as Quality Improvement Tool for self-reflection and professional growth
  • Define Terms used throughout the scale
  • Understand scoring procedures for self-assessment
  • Understand ECERS 3 Data as a tool for Continuous Quality Improvement by asking "Why?" and "How?"

Part 2 explores the quality practices associated with the subscale indicators in:

  • Language and Literacy
  • Learning Activities
  • Program Structure

For each part there is a journal for self reflection and action planning. There is also a document with resources. Please note: The Introduction to the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale®, Third Edition (ECERS-3™), is also needed to complete the activities. This should be a personal copy for making notes and highlighting text.

Viewing both parts of the recording and completion of the Journals is required to receive an Illinois State Board of Education Evidence of Completion for professional development hours (PDH). Completing these requirements will provide credit for 4 professional development hours. This training is also Gateways Registry approved.

Registration through Early Childhood Professional Learning (ECPL)(link is external) is required to access this professional learning.  After registering, an email will be sent with instructions to access the training materials and how to receive the Evidence of Completion.