AA #1691 Early Childhood Inclusion: Supporting Children's Special Needs in High Quality Early Learning Environments (PreK - 3rd Grade)

This workshop is perfect to review the components of inclusion in early childhood programs. It will also help you determine what next steps to take in your program to assure you are offering high quality inclusive opportunities for all young learners.

AA Credit Policy - In order to receive Administrator Academy credit, the Illinois State Board of Education requires attendance during the entire workshop/webinar. Individuals arriving late or leaving early, for any reason, are not eligible for Academy credit.


Assistant Principals
Home Visitors
Parent Educators/Family Specialists
School Psychologists
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals
ADM = Administration & Leadership
Levels of learning

Upcoming Sessions

Event ID Status Details Supporting Materials
AA #1691 Open
9am - 12pm

3-Hour Webinar

Instructors: Ann Kremer and Antoinette Taylor

Register Online with Illinois Principals Association