Illinois AEYC Growing Futures Conference

Growing Futures

October 13-15, 2022

This conference includes over 70 workshop sessions, a keynote session, exhibit hall and networking opportunities. It provides an opportunity for all early childhood professionals in public schools, child care centers, home child care, Head Start, administrators and agency personnel to come together from all regions of the state to share their commitment to high quality learning experiences for young children and to support families of Illinois. 

Thursday Morning Keynote Session: Dan Gartrell
Beyond Discipline to Guidance

Thursday Featured Sessions: Dr. Antionette Taylor(2020 Keynote Presenter)
Thursday: Equity, Ethics, and Education …This IS A Movement
Thursday: MTSS, DAP and EBP… From Acronyms to Action

Friday Morning Exhibit Hall Opening Activity: Carole Stephens

Saturday Children’s Champion Luncheon

Exhibitors (Thursday and Friday)

Assistant Principals
Home Visitors
Occupational Therapists
Parent Educators/Family Specialists
Physical Therapists
School Psychologists
Social Workers
Speech/Language Pathologists
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals
STDEV = Professional Knowledge
Levels of learning

Upcoming Sessions

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