Learning the ABCs: Alphabet Knowledge in Preschool

We know that recognizing and naming the letters of the alphabet is a key skill on the road to reading, and we’ve seen young children’s delight when they find “their” letter!  We may also have seen children struggle to learn letters or even avoid alphabet activities.  This session will provide knowledge and tools in support of effective alphabet instruction for all preschool children.  We will start by investigating how children actually learn to recognize and name letters.  We will then examine what research shows are effective methods to support children’s alphabet knowledge.  We will explore a few alphabet activities in detail and establish some general guidelines for selecting and implementing others.  We will conclude by inviting learning partners to integrate with their personal literacy plans.  This session utilizes Tier 1 evidence-based instructional strategies for the Components of Phonological Awareness, Word Recognition, and Writing as described in the 2024 Illinois Comprehensive Literacy Plan.

Gateways Topic: Early Literacy
Gateways Content Areas: (D) Curriculum or Program Design
Gateways CDC Content Areas: (8) Child Development

Assistant Principals
Home Visitors
Occupational Therapists
Parent Educators/Family Specialists
Physical Therapists
School Psychologists
Social Workers
Speech/Language Pathologists
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals
LA = Language Arts/Literacy
Levels of learning

Upcoming Sessions

Event ID Status Details Supporting Materials
258007003 Open
4pm - 5:30pm

1.5-Hour Webinar

Instructor: Jonathan Fribley

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