Nourishing Inner Peace, Mindfulness, Self-Care, and the ECE Educator

This session explores mindfulness practices that help reduce stress, enhance well-being, and focus the mind. After a brief introductory overview, we'll engage in interactive breath work, guided meditations, and gentle movement exercises. You'll gain first-hand experience of the benefits of mindfulness, and leave equipped to integrate a sense of spaciousness into what poet Mary Oliver called "your one precious life."

Gateways Topics: Mental Health, Staff Development and Training, Wellness
Gateways Content Areas: (G) Personal and Professional
Gateways Development CDA Content Areas: (6) Professionalism

Assistant Principals
Home Visitors
Instructional Leaders
Occupational Therapists
Parent Educators/Family Specialists
Physical Therapists
School Psychologists
Social Workers
Speech/Language Pathologists
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals
STDEV = Professional Knowledge
Levels of learning

Upcoming Sessions

Event ID Status Details Supporting Materials
258007024 Open
4pm - 5pm

1-Hour Webinar

Instructor: John Ernst

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