Positive Solutions for Families

Positive Solutions for Families (PSF) provides an evidence-based, user-friendly series of seven group sessions to help professionals working with parents and family caregivers promote the use of positive and effective strategies for promoting social and emotional development and addressing the challenging behavior of preschool aged children.

During this virtual workshop we will discuss the purpose of PSF, use of materials, activities and resources, as well as the primary focus of the 7 parent group sessions:
(1) Making the Connection
(2) Keeping it Positive
(3) Behavior has Meaning
(4) The Power of Routines
(5) Teach Me What to Do
(6) Responding with Purpose and
(7) Putting it All Together with a Plan

Facilitator considerations, tips, and ideas for each session will also be shared. There will be opportunities to discuss your questions as well as brainstorm ideas for issues such as advertising and communicating with families about PSF. This session will be all about YOU and what you need to make PSF happen in your settings!

Please have available the Preschool Parents documents from the website- https://challengingbehavior.org/training/for-trainers/modules/

Please note there will be two 15 minutes breaks (am & pm), and a 1/2 hour lunch break given.

Gateways Topics: Family Dynamics & Relationships
Gateways Content Areas: (F) Family Community Relationships
Gateways CDA Content Areas: (4) Parental Relationships

Parent Educators/Family Specialists
FAM = Family & Community Engagement
Levels of learning

Upcoming Sessions

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