Solving Problems Together in Powerful Interactions®

It is strongly recommended to attend webinar 1 as a foundation for the webinars that follow.  If you didn't attend, you can find the recording from September 23, 2024 on ECPL's YouTube channel

Webinar 4
Children encounter all sorts of challenges to their thinking every day, from analyzing shapes to figuring out how to draw a dog. We can help children build the thinking skills that enable them to successfully tackle these challenges – and later ones like reading comprehension and thinking scientifically – by joining them in a Powerful Interaction. Programs that use CLASS: This session will address key elements of the CLASS dimension of Concept Development.

*Participants are welcome to study the book Powerful Interactions: How to Connect with Children to Extend Learning (Dombro, Jablon and Stetson) as a supplement to the webinars.

Webinar 1 - Relationships Matter! Powerful Interactions® to Start the School Year - 9/23/24
Webinar 2 - Tuning In to Build Language in Powerful Interactions® - 10/21/24
Webinar 3 - Responding to Curiosity in a Powerful Interaction® - 11/14/24
Webinar 5 - Linking the New to the Familiar in a Powerful Interaction® - 2/24/25
Webinar 6 - High Quality Feedback Builds Children’s Learning in a Powerful Interaction® - 3/31/25

Gateways Topic: Interactions with Children
Gateways Content Area: (E) Interactions, Relationships and Environments
Gateways CDA Content Area: (6) Professionalism

Assistant Principals
Home Visitors
Occupational Therapists
Parent Educators/Family Specialists
Physical Therapists
School Psychologists
Social Workers
Speech/Language Pathologists
Teacher Assistants/Paraprofessionals
STDEV = Professional Knowledge
Levels of learning

Upcoming Sessions

Event ID Status Details Supporting Materials
258007012 Open
4pm - 5:30pm

1.5-Hour Webinar

Instructor: Jonathan Fribley

Register Online