Illinois Early Childhood (MTSS) Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Provide high quality learning experiences for all early learners


MTSS Definition in Illinois: Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a framework for continuous improvement that is systemic, prevention focused, and data-informed, providing a coherent continuum of supports to meet the needs of all learners.

Purpose: To provide MTSS guidance and resources to administrators, educators, and families in early childhood education and care learning communities. To promote collaboration and alignment of developmentally appropriate and equitable practices in early childhood education and care through grade 12 in order to create, improve, and sustain implementation of MTSS for early learners.

Process: Facilitate a coordinated and statewide cross sector process of capacity building, implementation fidelity, and systematic sustainability of a MTSS framework in early learning environments that provide a continuum and variety of culturally responsive supports and services that address children’s unique needs and abilities.

Practice: Establish an early learning MTSS framework of developmentally appropriate practices through the use evidence based standards, curriculum, and assessment informed by data, to provide high quality learning experiences for all early learners. This includes special populations such as students who have a documented disability, students who are twice exceptional, students who are multilingual learners, students with advanced ability, and students experiencing barriers to learning.

Early childhood MTSS whole child targeted areas include, but are not limited to academic, social emotional development, behavior management, medical and mental health, family engagement, student attendance, expulsion and suspension, and students experiencing homelessness.

Illinois Early Childhood Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Evidence Based Practices

Theory of Practice
Evidence based practices help ensure that instructional strategies and techniques are proven to be effective in improving and sustaining student outcomes leading to higher student achievement.

When evidence based practices are implemented to fidelity, it improves outcomes for all students including students who have a documented disability, students who are twice exceptional, students who are multilingual learners, students with advanced ability, and students experiencing barriers to learning.

Problem Statement
When evidence based practices are implemented as separate systems; programs, schools and districts are unable to sustain fidelity of practices. This impacts the ability to achieve positive outcomes for children, families and educators.

Theory of Change
A comprehensive approach is necessary to improve instruction and alignment of curricula across general and special education, to create safe and supportive equitable learning environments that are culturally, linguistically, and developmentally appropriate. This approach leads to a positive culture and climate and meaningful family engagement.

Theory of Action
Implementing an MTSS framework covers all domains of development and content areas by building on student strengths and addressing barriers to learning. Synthesizing evidence based practices using a holistic approach creates a focus in early childhood education and care on the "whole child".

Through MTSS, data is used to inform instruction by answering these critical questions: 

  • what evidence based practices should be put in place as part of a universal foundation for all students
  • what targeted evidence based practices should be put in place for some students
  • what individualized evidence based practices should be put in place for those few students who continue to face barriers to learning


MTSS Professional Learning

3/19/25 - Administrator Forum VI- Building Student Resilience to Trauma within a Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Framework (Tier 1) throughout Early Childhood Education and Care to Kindergarten Learning Environments

MTSS Resources

Special Populations

Illinois State Board of Education MTSS Guidance - Educational Rights and Responsibilities: Understanding Special Education in Illinois "THE PARENT GUIDE"

Students With Disabilities

Students who are Multilingual Learners

Universal Design for Learning

CAST Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

What it is an how it works

Social Emotional Development/Behavior Management

National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations

National DEC and U.S. Department of Education