Research based topics that support best practices
Early Childhood Professional Learning (ECPL), a program of The Center: Resources for Teaching and Learning, is funded through the Illinois State Board of Education, Division of Early Childhood Development, to provide free professional learning opportunities and resources for the state funded Preschool for All (PFA) and Preschool for All Expansion (PFAE) programs. Early Childhood Professional Learning supports the Early Childhood workforce through the following initiatives.
Professional learning opportunities include workshops and webinars on research based topics that support best practices in Early Childhood education. Early Childhood Professional Learning (ECPL) aligns its work with the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning, which have been adopted by the Illinois State Board of Education. Learning Forward publications are available through The Center Library.
Early Childhood Professional Learning (ECPL) is a state-approved professional development provider authorized to issue professional development credit to Illinois licensed educators for license renewal purposes. All workshops and webinars are also Gateways Registry approved. Early Childhood Professional Learning (ECPL) collaborates with the Illinois Principals Association to provide Administrator Academy webinars on Early Childhood topics.

Preschool for All Coaching
The Preschool for All Coaching Project is an initiative which provides embedded professional development by assigning coaches to ISBE selected programs to work with teachers and administrators on continuous quality improvement goals.
The coaching process for each program lasts two years.
Preschool Expansion Program Support
The Preschool Expansion Programs receive individualized program level support in implementation and continuous quality improvement through Program Support Specialists who are assigned through Early Childhood Professional Learning (ECPL).
Early Childhood Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Committee
The purpose of this committee is to provide MTSS guidance and resources to administrators, educators, and families in the early learning community. Through various activities, the committee promotes Pre-K through grade 12 collaboration and alignment of developmentally appropriate practices to both improve and sustain implementation of MTSS for early learners.
The Center Library
The Center: Resources for Teaching and Learning, in conjunction with the Illinois State Board of Education, has compiled a collection of quality materials and resources related to early childhood education. Materials are available for loan or preview through The Center Library. Early Childhood materials are searchable by title in the library's online catalog.